Standing Up to the US Court System

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts4 Comments

Here’s my latest article that Independent Journal Review posted the other day. The issue addressed in the article is the most important issue of our day, namely, standing up to the court system. Please share it to get people thinking about this matter.

4 Comments on “Standing Up to the US Court System”

  1. Billy

    Hello neighbors,

    I would like to add a comment along these same lines. I admit, that I have not been involved as, evidently, most folks have not until this election. We have touched base again and have a rare and I believe, a Heavenly sent opportunity to regroup. I believe that our local elected and unelected officials have systematically auctioned off our lives for a dollar. For example, our City Council has been offered a $13,683.00 grant, if they will comply with the the special conditions listed in the offer. This information came off the agenda of the last Council meeting. To be brief I will just use the abbreviated names of the departments listed in the offer.
    The OCR, OJP, OVW, DOJ, VANA, SAA’S, EEOP, MOA, POC, EPOC, OIG, BJA, NEPA, BVP, NHP and the JAG, I probably missed a few. A few of the dozens of conditions caught my eye. ” Prohibits discrimination based on Actual or Perceived
    Race, color, national origin , religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or Gender identification. ” Requires the grantee to comply with DOJ’s Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (DOJ’s Global) guidelines and recommendations”. ” Comply with the National Environmental Policy Act.” Comply with the National Historic Preservation Act.” And my favorite ” Comply with procedures regarding the protection of human research subjects.”?? Looks like our city council will agree to a lot for $13,683.00. Did the Federal Government force our local elected and unelected leaders to agree to these rules. No, the dollar did. What think “ye”.

  2. Debra Surretsky

    I’m like you Billy, I’m especially concern about the last one, “human research subjects”? And the fact that it appears that our city will sell out for under $14k? I think we could do something in our community to raise that much without agreeing to these conditions!

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