Christians Need to Start Marching

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts3 Comments

There has been a lot of talk about the Women’s March on Washington. Although I’m shaking my head about the rhetoric displayed and the middle-school maturity demonstrated, it stands to reason that progressives have more courage and tenacity than conservatives.

In my recent article with Independent Journal Review, I discuss the fact that Christians need to add courage to their convictions and start marching — precisely because they have a lot more than sex and abortion to march for (e.g. Jesus Christ, the truth of the Gospel, eternal life — just to name a few).

3 Comments on “Christians Need to Start Marching”

  1. Biily

    Hello Neighbors,

    Me again !

    If there was ever a time for Christians, conservatives, constitutionalist or any one that holds to the quickly passing American Ideals, to take a stand, it is NOW ! The nomination of Neil Gorsuch, will be enveloped in a sulphuric cloud of santanic smoke. This is the moment to Armour Up. There hasn’t been anything this important since the marriage amendment. Let us all pray for this man and his family, I’m sure he does not deserve what is coming his way.


  2. Snakewhacker

    Hello Neighbors,

    I apologize for the sloppy spelling , in the above post. I tried to message Rit, to no avail.
    I hope you got the message. This will be my last post here. I think the whole bunch of you are just spin, spin, spin, talk, talk and talk. Supposedly you have a church Leader here in Cleveland County that will stand, we’ll see. When that happens, and it will, I will see you there, So Help Me God.

    Billy Gray

    The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.

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