What Happened After the Fox & Friends Interview

Rit VarrialeVideo Posts32 Comments


Today was another big day for the #GodBeforeGovernment movement.  After the Fox & Friends interview this morning, our story became the #1 trending topic on Facebook throughout the day and was featured on the homepage of FoxNews.com.  It has been shared by over 50 news outlets and has been seen by millions of people across the US.  Our own Facebook post sharing the interview with Fox & Friends has reached over 150K people, has been shared 1500+ times, and has 1500+ comments at the time of writing.  Let’s continue to spread the #GodBeforeGovernment message.  Encourage your pastors and church leaders to join us by flying the flags in such a manner that it is clear we will serve God first.  Be sure to send us your pictures of the Christian flag flying high at your home, office, or church to [email protected] and we’ll share them on Facebook. Acts 5:29b

Video Segment: Link to Interview on Fox & Friends this morning

32 Comments on “What Happened After the Fox & Friends Interview”

  1. marysheartisathome

    God is sovereign. He is the Creator of all there is. We are to obey the laws of our governing authorities insofar as they do not contradict God’s law.. There is never a right to do wrong. We have free will but, again. there is never a right to do wrong.

  2. Seth

    I am confused about the charge that this demonstrates disrespect for the USA flag. By me saying that I love God more than my wife does not imply that I hate or disrespect my wife. I love my wife more than your wife, that does not mean I disrespect your wife. Similarly, to say that I love my God more than my country does not imply disrespect for my country. There is some silly logic out there.

    1. Alabama Independent

      Seth, the liberals and the secularists will use this argument in an attempt to discredit this movement. I personally believe the Christian Flag should have the honor at the top of our flagpoles, but at the very least the Christian Flag should be flown on a flag pole equal in height to the flag pole flying the American Flag. Perhaps this option should be suggested to those who might feel they are being disrespectful of the American flag.



  4. Debbie Walker Surretsky

    I am thankful that our church has Pastor Rit to lead us. I’m also thankful that our church is Blessed with many faith based Christians. And I’m thankful for the sacrifices that my Dad in WWII, my husband in Vietnam, my nephew in Iraq, my nephew currently in Afghanistan, my 2 retired career Navy brothers, and many others in our family have made for our country. We love this Nation very much. This is the very best Nation on Earth. But as I’ve said before GOD is not of this earth, he is our Creator. And as such, has to be our Highest Authority and our Highest Respect. Thank you Pastor Rit, for all you do for your flock.

  5. Teresa

    This is beautiful. Thank you for standing up for God and inspiring others to do the same. The Governments of this world come and go but our allegiance is first to the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

  6. Terry Vlug

    Glad to finally see a Pastor step up to the plate and take a stand. I have been only flying a Christian flag for several years as I see our flag and the country it represents has betrayed its people. But as citizens of the Kingdom, we do have a citizenship which is much more important than any earthly citizenship. I too am a Vietnam Veteran and have sacrificed blood for this country. I am praying and preparing that I may be brave enough to give the same sacrifice for my Lord should He require it.

    1. Karen Shipley

      @Terry Vlug. I agree wholeheartedly and thank you for your service to our country. May God bless you and keep you.

  7. Sharon Armke

    May your example inspire others to call the church to repentance! If the church demonstrates the light, love, truth, and power of Christ the nation and world will be changed!

  8. William

    Are we going to be this joyous when we see the mosque down the street flying the Flag of Islam above the US Flag?

    1. Alabama Independent

      Yes, I would not like to see the ISIS or any flag representing a false god, but they have that right under the Constitution of the United States. I would rejoice if our Jewish brethren would fly the Star of David at the synagogues or temples.

  9. Jene

    I love this!!!!! I sure hope other Christian churches around the country will follow suit. We were founded on Judeo-Christian values. We, the church, have dropped the ball. It’s time we took a stand and turn our country around!

    1. Alabama Independent

      I’m excited about this also. It is time the Church stop hiding within its stained glass windows, and tell the World that God rules all nations. Isaiah 45:23: “…that unto Me every knee shall bow, ever tongue shall confess.”

  10. Sue Place

    Thank you so much for standing for Truth,We have become a lost nation. We need to return and place God back in first place

    1. Alabama Independent

      Mack. Let’s not forget it was a Black Christian Pastor who was the first to initiate this movement. He needs to be acknowledged and given credit for such. Hopefully this will bring unity between our Black Churches and our White Churches which has been lacking in our other struggles against the Liberal and Secularist movement of the last four decades.

  11. Tanya

    Thank the Lord for those who believe in and stand up for putting God before government. I’ve worked for the Board of Elections for over 3 years and do not find this offensive at all. “Allegiance UNDER God” is in our American pledge to the FLAG right? Unless you are not an American you would have no problem with this concept. Anyone can rightly say that should someone find offense then they are not an American. I am not impressed with how the interviewer intended to turn it into a fight or something ugly. I’m sure she stood with her right hand on her heart and said the pledge thousands of times…just like I did and millions of others. My children and I attended EBC for 5 years and I miss Pastor Rit’s preaching. He and many at EBC are people I admire and trust. God Bless!

    PS…It’s “We the People” not I the Government.

  12. Pastor Michael Gray

    Thank you Pastor Rit for standing up for God. If the Hebrew Roots movement would follow suit then there would be millions of people who will take a stand.The hour has come for all who call on the name of the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob make all of our voices heard. We are not to sit by and do nothing but take a stand whether it be death or not. We must stand together and put aside our divisions and call on Yahweh our God, humble ourselves, repent and pray for our God to heal our nation. The time for doctrinal division is over. It is either Yahweh or the devil, there is no middle ground. Chose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we choose Yahweh/God and let whatever comes our way as the result. With my the true God Yahweh nothing is impossible and no government or organization can stand in the face of our awesome God. He made us and He can and will stand with us if we will put aside our differences and come together as one voice. Let it be so. In Yehsua’s/Jesus’ name, Amen.

    1. Rit Varriale

      You’re right. It’s time for the church to stand up, unite, and make a difference for good in our society.
      If your church decides to run the flags like we are send a pic and we’ll post it to FB.

  13. Sam

    On a personal note disregarding political agendas, for myself I love EBC and I am proud to be a member, I feel true agape love from my church and church family. To myself that is what matters.

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